Types of ISO Standards

quality control

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international body set up to create, set, and promote standards. It works on standards that apply to all kinds of industries, such as healthcare, food safety, accounting, and manufacturing. The standards are designed to help identify safety issues, promote product compatibility, and share solutions. There are numerous types of ISO standards, each designed to focus on particular types of standards.

Certified ISO Standards

Out of the many different types of ISO standards, only a few can be certified. Certification refers to a process of reviewing the program of a company independently to confirm whether the program meets all the relevant ISO standards. The independent parties that audit the business practices and internal programs have to be accredited by ISO. A company can get ISO certification only after the audit and review confirms that all standards are met. Standards such as ISO 26000, which is for social responsibility, cannot be certified. However, that does not mean organizations can ignore the guidelines and recommendations set by the standard.

ISO 9000

ISO 9000 is usually considered as the starting point, given that it forms the basis for a majority of the other ISO standards that apply to most businesses. The standard is designed to ensure the quality of services and products is maintained at high levels. Companies with ISO 9000 certification usually have the edge over competitors when it comes to bidding for jobs.

Choosing to Get Certification

Companies usually decide whether to get ISO certified or not. Before a company chooses to get a certification, it has to consider all the ISO guidelines for their program development. After that, the company can then contact an independent party accredited by ISO to carry out the certification process. ISO certification is a norm in most professional industries, though not in all.

ISO and Management Systems

Regarding ISO, a management system refers to the method used by a business to manage all the relevant tasks. Usually, it entails collecting procedures, processes, and policies adopted by a business related to the business’s objectives. A management system should fit the different parts of a business together and ensure they operate efficiently without compromising quality. ISO 9000 covers the quality management standards for the systems.

Reasons You Should Go for Asbestos Awareness Training

dealing with asbestos

As you know, asbestos is a dangerous material. For many years it was used in construction. Usually, it is effects felt after 20 or more years of extended exposure. It is unfortunate that this material continues to devastate lives and causes losses in medical expenses years after it was banned. These are some of the reasons you should consider enrolling for asbestos awareness training.

For Workplace Safety

As noted above, asbestos is quite hazardous. In a typical workplace, new workers will join from time to time. People working in the electrical and construction industry will handle asbestos on a routine basis. It is vital that each worker in the field where the material is a problem knows its potential sources. Thus, workers can access the area with a lot of care. Moreover, you need to be trained on how to identify materials that contain asbestos and who they should inform to protect everyone around.

Understand Health Risks Associated with Asbestos

As a worker, you ought to know the various health risks that are associated with asbestos. Also, you need to understand the dangers of asbestos fibers to people. When you know the health risks, you will appreciate the need to inform others about the presence of asbestos. Moreover, you can take the right steps to ensure that the place is closed off to prevent exposing innocent bystanders to fibers.

Know Your Legal Obligations

When you successfully complete a course in asbestos awareness training, you can inform your colleagues on legal obligations. Also, you can know how to minimize legal risks to workers and the company. That is because you will know what the law requires of you and knowing the penalties you will face if you do not meet the obligations.

Learn How to Work Safely

The truth is that asbestos awareness training will teach you how to work in areas with asbestos. In this way, you can work safely without distributing it or endangering the lives of other people. For instance, you will know the right protective equipment to use and recommended procedures to prevent distributing asbestos fibers.

Know What to Do During an Emergency

When working in an area with asbestos, there is a need to know what should be done during emergency situations. Remember that emergencies must be handled safely and swiftly to reduce damage and exposure of asbestos fibers to others. The training ensures that you are competent enough to handle emergencies.